If you own an asphalt installation, you ought to be doing everything you can to keep it in a good condition. This isn’t just to make sure that your driveway or road surfaces continue to look nice – although that obviously matters – it’s to ensure that they retain a condition that facilitates safe and steady traversal. Of course, maintenance procedures, including sealcoating, also help to prevent future problems later down the line – so they’re well-worth your time. At PaveRite Asphalt Services Utah, we have helped our customers across the Salt Lake City, Utah area many, many times with asphalt sealing service, so you can rest easy knowing that you’re gaining access to a team that’s packed full of experience and knowledge. For some further insights into why to use our sealcoating and crack sealing expertise, read on below. If you have any lingering doubts or questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our customer service representatives.
What is a Seal Coat?
It’s likely that, at one time or another, you’ll have heard of asphalt sealing, but what exactly is a seal coat? In straightforward terms, a seal coat is the application of a liquid layer across a paved asphalt surface that offers a substantial boost to protection for the years ahead. Sealcoating services like ours help your asphalt surfaces to manage elemental conditions, which are often very damaging, but that’s not all. It can also help with physical pressures, like foot and vehicle traffic. The bottom line is that you’ll have a better looking, healthier, and longer lasting asphalt surface if you place your trust in this provision.
Protection Against the Elements
In Salt Lake City, we get a range of weather conditions over the year. Sometimes it’s scorching, with blistering temperatures during the peak hours of the day. At other times, we get heavy precipitation like snow and rain. All of these elemental conditions can cause problems with asphalt surfaces, at least, that’s the case if they don’t have adequate protection in place. The protective application is resistant to UV exposure, limiting the chance of the surface cracking under heat, and it also does an excellent job at rebuffing water infiltration.
Extending Lifespans
The weather conditions that we’ve just referred to can cause a sharp physical deterioration with your asphalt, but you need to remember that any surface like this will decline over time. Sealcoating services offer considerable protection for the asphalt installation, which means that you can expect it to last that much longer since there will be limited repair issues. Of course, seal coats also reduce the rate of oxidation, which is similarly impactful.
Crack Sealing
A crack sealing process involves the introduction of adhesive sealant into the cracks in an asphalt installation, preventing the possibility of water infiltration into the surface. It’s a highly effective approach to dealing with cracks that have formed, and really, the earlier that you use a service like this, the more effective it is too.